Stingless bee is one of its kind bee which is known make it’s hive inside the trunk of a tree or moist places,
Generally it’s hive is relatively smallerin in size, producing 170-180 grams of honey, this particular bee is very rare. Predominantly found in the aravali of Rajasthan to drive honey of this bee is a very difficult task as the stingless bee dosent make it’s hive in the open space where we can see it, so to fulfill this raoli is working in alliance with the indegineous tribes who are honey shepherds these people have spend their lifetime understanding the nature of this bee as to how and where it makes hive. These people track this bee from its sound and reverberation that it creates, once a hive is located, which is inside a tree trunk, the honey shepherds now perform the most crucil step of locating the exact location of the hive inside the tree. As our purpose is to extract honey from the hive without damaging the tree .these indegineous people are well experienced and they know how to do their job and at the same time to be in harmony with the nature.
Benifits of consuming stingless bee.
- It has antimicrobial antiinflammatory properties.
- It is a good source of antioxidants.
- This particular honey is very good to cure ulcers.
- Many chronic ailments like cancer, Heart disfase, Can be significantly reduced regular consumption of this honey
We take highest level of care & caution from the point of deriving our products till its packaging and we make sure the highest standards.
However it is always advisable to consult your doctor or a specialist before consuming any of our products, as they understand your body much better and can guide you properly as to what you should cosume and in what quantity.
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